N.B. As of January 2025, I will no longer be directly hiring HQP . However, HQP supervision may still be possible with collaborating colleagues.
- image from Skinner (2012)
"Parameters, parameters, parameters - what to use in neuronal models?..."
Frances K Skinner's Computational Neuroscience Lab: "Clarity, Practicality & Balance"
- from Shou et al. (2015)
"...Part of the challenge in model builiding is to choose the right level of abstraction despite the complexity of biological processes. In other words, we need to work out what aspects of this biological complexity we can ignore and still gain critical insights about a biological phenomenon..."
"...The first thing to do is to clearly state the goal of the modeling... How were the parameters in the model chosen?..."
-from Skinner (2024)
"...Where does one begin when trying to build a mathematical mode of a biological system?..."
Mailing Address: Krembil Research Institute, Krembil Discovery Tower, Toronto Western Hospital, 60 Leonard Avenue, 4KD510, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 0S8
Email: frances.skinner at utoronto.ca OR fskinner at uhn.ca OR frances.skinner at gmail.com